How to Calculate Volume of a Rectangular PrismA rectangular prism or solid is three-dimensional, and its volume is easy to calculate. You measure the volume of a rectangular solid in cubic units of measurement. Figure out the volume of a rectangular prism by following these few short and steps.
How to Dissect a CatA majority of high school students who take anatomy will be required to dissect a cat. Through dissection you can learn about the muscular, digestive and nervous system. Follow these steps to prepare and learn how to dissect a cat beforehand so you dont lose your lunch over this assignment.
How to Teach LiteratureLiterature is an important aspect in any liberal arts education. Learn the basics of teaching literature to high school students and share your love of literature with young minds.
How to Find Indiana Minimum Wage LawsIndiana is one of about 15 U.S. states that has not enacted its own minimum wage laws, meaning that compensation is based on the federal minimum wage rate. However, this may change if the legislation currently proposed to raise the federal minimum wage goes forward. Follow these steps to know what the minimum wage laws in Indiana provide and how the federal rate change will impact them.
How to Answer Open-Ended Essay QuestionsIts test time, and this one isnt multiple choice. Your teacher gives you a sheet of with a question on it. The only problem is, you cant immediately see a definite answer. Its time to pull it together and, at the very least, be able to sound like you know what youre talking about.
How to Buy a Dress for the Spring FormalYou stride onto the dance floor, confident, with date in hand. Your friends turn to greet you and they are awed by your spring formal dress. Not only do you feel good in what youre wearing, but you get compliments all night. Taking your time to select your dress was really worth it.
How to Spend a Day at Lake PowellLake Powell is full of fun activities and adventures. With so much to do and so little time in just one day, youll have to narrow down your choice of activities. Jumping into the water is likely the best activity at Lake Powell. After all, what is a day at the lake without getting wet? Here are some ideas to make the most of your day.
How to Teach a Teenager AlgebraTo teach a teenager algebra can be the greatest of conundrums and challenges, or it may just come together like a well-ctored polynomial equation. Whatever the case may be, better that it be ced now, because it will surely come in handy for your teenager to know algebra when he or she reaches college.
How to Pass a Speech ClassSpeech class is exactly what the title implies. You will to communicate using speeches, conversations, and group work. The purpose of speech classes are for students to feel comfortable with speaking in front of large groups and writing certain types of speeches (informative, persuasive, and demonstrative). By passing a speech class, you will feel more at ease speaking at engagements in the future or completing writing assignments in college. Read on to learn more.
How to Start a High School Literary MagazineMany high schools have literary magazines that allow students to practice writing and editing. If your high school doesnt have one yet, you can start your own literary magazine. It takes a lot of work, but it will be worthwhile because starting an organization at your high school looks good on college applications. Additionally, your magazine will provide writing and leadership experience to other students and enjoyment to readers.
How to Dress for a High School DanceThere is nothing more fun, but potentially more stressful, than a high school dance. One way to make sure you have a great time is to look and feel your best. When dressing for a high school dance, you want to stand out yet still fit in. Finding the right balance is not as hard as you think, if you follow a few shion basics.
How to Re-live High School YearsMany people consider their high school years as glory days while others think of them as happily-gone days. Whether or not you have fond memories of high school, there are times everyone enjoys reliving those high school years. You can get back in touch with your inner teenager and reminisce by reliving your high school years in several ways.
How to Plan a Goodbye Party for High School FriendsFinishing high school is the end of a chapter in many students lives. Friends separate and head off to different colleges all over the country. To mark the end of high school and the beginning of college, you should throw a goodbye party for your friends.
How to Find a nude beach in the Canary IslandsNude Beaches are increasing in popularity. As our society lowers its inhibitions, we are finding freedom in letting go of some previously accepted norms. Questioning these traditions helps us see that we do have minds of our own that can decide what is and is not within the standard of being acceptable. Use this information to help you find a nude beach in the Canary Islands.
How to Pay for a Private High SchoolThe annual cost of a private high school is a significant expense, often as much as the annual cost of college. Families that intend to bear this expense should budget and plan for it well in advance. If the student plans to live at school, the cost of room, board, travel and spending money will often be double the expense of tuition.
How to Buy a Corsage for the Spring FormalOne of the most common dance traditions is the corsage. Your date will likely expect one for the spring formal, so be sure the one you buy her is perfect and something she will want to wear.
How to Debate in Support of Animal DissectionAnimal dissection offers the student a hands-on approach to learning about anatomy. Dissection allows the student to learn about the similarities between the anatomies of animals and human beings--an important association for the training of doctors and research scientists. Learn to debate in support of animal dissection, citing intelligent points.
How to Study for FinalsEven for students with excellent study habits, studying for finals is an anxiety-provoking process. However, if you have laid the groundwork for success by attending class, taking notenight schools for high school students High School - How To Information Pages and reading the assigned materials, performing well on the final exam is a matter of using some of the same efforts and organizational skills youve used throughout the course. Read on to learn more.
How to Write a Five Paragraph EssayBeing able to write a five paragraph essay is something all students must learn. Follow these steps.
How to Play HookyThe pressure and responsibilities of school or work are overwhelming at times. Sometimes a person just needs a break. Playing hooky can be a great way to break the tension and pressure. Just take an unscheduled impromptu day to unwind. In the end, it does a person good to take some personal time.
How to Understand Spanish SlangLearning and understanding some Spanish slang and crutch words can help you to communicate better in Spanish, whether for education or tourism, and also helps you to appear more fluent. Slang can consist of crutch words and current expressions.
How to Graduate Early From High SchoolFor some teens, high school years are the best. For others, high school feels like torture or at least extreme boredom. Some students outgrow high school at a ster rate than their peers do. These students might benefit from an early graduation from high school. Follow these steps to learn how to graduate early.
How to Say Goodbye to High School TeachersOn your last day of high school, you know that when you leave, legal advice online you arent coming back. Whether you go to college, enter the military or get a job, you wont see the same set of people on a daily basis. You have the summer to say goodbye to your friends, but graduation may be the last chance you have to say goodbye to your high school teachers.
How to Become ValedictorianThe valedictorian of a graduating class is the student with the highest Grade Point Average (GPA). If you attend a school that does not use the GPA format, ask your school adviser. Use these steps to learn how to become your schools valedictorian, even if you already are the top student.
How to Make Your Own Spring Formal DressA great spring formal dress is one that fits you perfectly, meets all your wishes in terms of color, bric and style, and isnt likely to turn up on several other girls. If you have some sewing skills and a pattern in mind, you can create your own stunning dress that will be the envy of all at the dance.
How to Organize a Math QuizAdministering quizzes is essential for teachers to find out what their students are learning or are not learning. When you organize a math quiz for your students, its also important to include a variety of sample questions to ensure that theyve learned all that youve taught them.
How to Prevent School ViolenceSchool violence is very common in many schools today. It has become one of the main reasons students il classes and drop out of school. Many parents have even removed their children from schools where violence is common. However, school violence can be avoided by following a few steps.
How to Select an All-Girls Private High SchoolEven as many previously single-gender private high schools have embraced coeducation during the past few decades, some private high schools have reaffirmed their commitment to single- education. Factors that make an all-female high school environment work well for some students vary from school to school and student to student.
How to Dissect a FrogAt some point in your educational career, you may have to dissect a frog in science class. As a member of the class Amphibia, frogs live sometimes on land, but reproduce in water. They have unique outside features, including two nostrils, eardrums and eyes. The eyes, however, each have three lids, the third of which is transparent. Before dissecting, you will have to study the exterior of your frog and identify its outer parts. Then you can begin to cut.
How to Utilize Strategies for the PSATPSATs can provide the prelude to ntastic SAT scores, which are the key to gaining enty into a great college. While SATs can only be taken during your junior and senior years of high school, PSATs can be taken at various times. You can ace them if you start planning now.
How to Clean a School LockerIts time to clean up that filthy school locker. It can be a bit embarrassing when you open your school locker to have a pile of trash ll out and time consuming when you cant find what you need through all the clutter. The following will show you how you can clean your school locker out and stay organized.
How to Dissect a PigIn high school biology, your teacher may require you to dissect a pig. This is because a pigs internal anatomy nearly resembles a humans. The size of the organs also make them easy to locate and examine.
How to Earn a High School Diploma Long DistanceIf you did not finish high school, you are never too old to go back and earn your diploma. A 2002 study by the US Department of Labor found that the average high school graduate earned an average of $717 a month more than non-graduates. Let the steps in this article show you how easily you can earn your high school diploma long distance and start a new career path.
How to Tour Milton AcademyMilton Academy is located in Milton, Free insurance info Massachusetts. It is a coed college preparatory academy for students in grades 9 through 12. The academy focuses on providing its students with intellectual freedom. A tour of the campus is recommended for prospective students and their parents.
How to Prepare for Midterm Exams in High SchoolMidterm exams, whether in high school or college, are a pain. However, knowing how best to study and prepare for them can make it much easier. By having a few good study skills in your pocket, you can ace a midterm exam in high school. Read on to learn how to prepare for midterm exams in high school.
How to Use Units of Circular MeasurementMany methods have been used throughout history to measure the arc of a circle, although only two remain in common use, the degree and the radian. The degree probably originated with the ancient Babylonians at least 3,000 years ago. The radian, as a unit of circular measure, is usually credited to Roger Cotes in 1714.
How to Calculate the Suce Area of a PrismPicture the prism before you calculate its suce area. It has two dimensional ces with areas you could figure out using two dimensional figure area formulas. For example, a prism has three rectangles for its sides, and s for its bases. Find the area of all three rectangles and both bases to get that prisms total suce area.
How to Find an Internship as a High School StudentFinding an internship while still in high school can help open your eyes to what types of jobs are out in the real world before you even enter college. They might even help you get ahead of your peers. If you are interested in finding an internship as a high school student, here are some helpful tips.
How to Join the High School Debate ClubDebate teams give high school students a chance to discuss and argue some of todays most important issues. Debate team competitions are verbal sparring matches that allow students to articulate their feelings on current issues that plague the nation and the world. If you are verbally gifted, then you should consider joining the debate team.
How to Know if a Number is Divisible by 9Math is a part of everyday life, used for everything from music notation to construction work. In ct, math and numbers can be construed as the very key to unlocking the mystery of life itself. As such, everyone at some point needs to learn how to easily divide numbers. All you need is a basic understanding of addition. Here is an incredibly easy way to tell if any integer is divisible by 9, using the number 189 as an example.
How to Find a Senior Project MentorMany seniors have to complete a project that involves finding a mentor in order to graduate. The idea behind a project is to explore possible careers and college majors. To find a senior project mentor, it is important to have a topic or career in mind. Here are some tips on finding a mentor once you have determined your project focus.
How to Convert Apothecary MeasurementsApothecaries use metrics that may seem illogical primarily because they have regarded their expertise as a trade secret and deliberately rendered their pharmacopeias indecipherable. Heres how to convert apothecary measurements to other units.
How to Make a DNA ModelDNA is the basic building block of every living thing. DNA is so important that every school requires its students to understand how it works. Making models to demonstrate the process is a common biology lab project. This model makes the process easy to understand.
How to Balance Redox ReactionsOne of the hardest topics in high school chemistry is how to balance redox reactions, formally oxidation reduction reactions. The procedure to balance these types of reactions is if you can follow a few basic steps. A good knowledge of proceeding concepts and principles taught in the course is essential to be able to handle these types of problems.
How to Dissect a GrasshopperMany junior high and high school students dissect grasshoppers in their biology classes. Its the best way for them to learn about the internal anatomy of the insect.
How to Select a Hairstyle for the Spring FormalYour hairstyle is a very important complement to your prettiest spring formal dress. The perfect hairstyle can make you look even more glamorous than your usual coif. Spend some time to select the perfect hairstyle before you go to the spring formal and youll feel like a princess.
How to Earn the IB DiplomaYou may have heard of a local school that is offering or considering offering the International Baccalaureate, or IB diploma. The IB diploma is designed to serve as a college preparatory course that is recognized worldwide. If you are interested in pursuing this diploma, here is how you can go about getting one.
How to Take a Good Yearbook PictureHow to Take a Good Yearbook Picture. Most everyone has looked back at his or her yearbook picture years after graduating and laughed at the hairstyle, the clothes and the memories. Everyone wants their yearbook picture to look good because once its in the yearbook, its there forever. If youre posing for a yearbook picture you want it to be perfect. Here are some tips to help you take a good high school yearbook picture.
How to Hook Up on Prom NightProm night is the one, exciting night when you can finally let loose, break through the social rules of your high school and, for one single night, act like theres no first period to wake up for the next day. Hooking up with someone you like is a fun way to make the night that much more special and memorable. So, follow these steps to hook up on prom night.
How to Take High School AP CoursesMany high schools students take advantage of the AP program each year. AP stands for Advanced Placement and allows students to take advanced courses in high school for college credit or advanced college standing upon entrance. AP courses are challenging, but they really prepare students for college by sharpening their writing, research and reasoning skills.
How to Choose a Teen Study Abroad ProgramLiving and studying in a different country is an excellent opportunity for young people. A teen study abroad program gives a young person a chance to learn another language, immerse themselves in a different culture, meet new people and have fun. Studying abroad provides social benefits to teenagers. They have the opportunity to meet new people with different traditions and experiences. Follow these steps to find the best program for your teen.
How to Treat a Spring Formal DateA spring formal dance can be a wonderful evening when you bring a date. The two of you can dance the night away together and get to know each other. To ensure that your formal date has the best time, think about how you will treat her before the event.
How to Use Psychology at SchoolGoing to school can be tough. Forget academic pressures--fitting in with the students might be your biggest challenge. If you dont have a seat being saved for you at the high school cafeteria, or just cant get that Spanish teacher on your side, maybe its time to rethink your approach. Understanding your schools psychology dynamics is key to getting ahead. Read on to learn more.
How to StudyGood study habits will produce better test scores, and give you advantage over other students competing for spots in the top high schools and colleges. Follow these steps to enhance your studying skills.
How to DebateThere are debate tactics and skills that can increase the ability to negotiate, communicate and settle discussions. The ability to debate can come in handy in various situations in life. Whether youre on the high school forensics team or preparing for a tense mily holiday, knowing the principles of debate can be a lifesaver.
How to Help a High School Freshman Succeed in SchoolA teens freshman year of high school can be intimidating and overwhelming. We have all been there and been a little scared during those first few weeks. There are ways to help your high school freshman deal with this transition into high school. Following are some skills you can teach them to help them cope with situations as they arise.
How to Calculate the Suce Area of a Square PyramidA pyramid is defined geometrically as a three-dimensional solid with a polygon base where the ces converge on a point. Pyramids may be classified according to the shape of their base. For example, a square pyramid has a square as its base. The following steps will show how to calculate the suce area of a square pyramid by knowing the length of its height and base.
How to Choose a High SchoolIf you are new to an area or your child is about to move from middle school into high school, you may be wondering how to choose a high school for her to attend. There are a few things to consider before you make this decision.
How to Start a FIRST Robotics Competition TeamFor Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology, or FIRST, is an organization founded by inventor Dean Kamen, who is renowned for inventions as varied as portable dialysis machines to the Segway Human Transporter. FIRST Robotics Competitions bring together teams of high school students and their coaches to go head to head in robotics competitions.
How to Get Along With Your TeacherWeve all had teachers we hate, but you dont have to hate being in their class. Heres how.
How to Buy a Plus Size Spring Formal DressFinding a stunning spring formal dress is not that much more difficult for a curvaceous woman. With a little research and a few hours of shopping, you should be able to find a dress which makes you feel comfortable and look good.
How to Pick Novels for a High School Literature CourseWith the wide array of novels that have been published, choosing novels for a high school literature class can seem overwhelming. So many novels are considered classic or important that it would be impossible to cover them all in one course. Picking novels for the class will be easier if you narrow down the field.
How to Be a Good Listener in ClassHearing is a passive activity while listening requires you to actively think about what you are hearing. Learning to be a good listener in class takes practice, but everyone can learn to improve their listening and comprehension skills.
How to Get a Scholarship to a Private High SchoolBecause the cost of a private high school can be nearly as great as that of college, it is unaffordable for many milies. The process of applying for scholarship aid has been streamlined through the School and Student Service for Financial Aid (SSS). More than one in six students at its member high schools get scholarship help, with average grants covering more than half of a schools cost.
How to Pass History Class Without StudyingWith all the names, dates, concepts and ideas that get crammed into a history class, the idea of going home to study more can be overwhelming. Still, you need to pass history class somehow. Luckily, there are a few good tips and strategies that can help you pass history class without studying. Follow these steps to do so.
How to Ask a Girl to the Spring FormalA spring formal can be a romantic event for a young couple. If you dont have a girlfriend, now is the time to ask a special lady friend if she would like you to escort her to the dance.
How to Ask a Guy to the Spring FormalWhile going to the spring formal with groups of friends can be fun, bringing a date can be fun too. If you have a special someone who youd like to take to the spring formal, dont be shy. Just ask!
How to Calculate Volume of a CubeA cube is a three-dimensional solid with all 3 dimensions the same length. You measure the volume of a cube in cubic units of measurement. You can calculate the volume of a cube using these few short and steps.
How to Know if Prom Punch is SpikedThe annual prom is an exciting event for high school juniors and seniors nationwide. All it takes is one student to spoil what should be a fun and safe time for everyone. One way that pranksters can ruin a prom is to spike the punch, but its not always obvious to know if prom punch is spiked.
How to Start a FIRST Tech Challenge TeamThe Foundation for the Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology, or FIRST, was founded in 1989 by New Hampshire inventor, physicist and entrepreneur Dean Kamen. FIRST sponsors Lego and robotics competitions for kids from elementary through high school. The FIRST Tech Challenge is based on the FIRST Robotics Competition but uses more affordable kits to make the program more accessible to more kids. Read on to learn how.
How to Make a Homeschool High School YearbookHigh school yearbooks are a rite of passage for students in conventional schools. Now, homeschool students enjoy high school yearbooks as a way to record the important final years of their home education. Homeschool high school yearbooks have become more popular, created by milies and close-knit homeschool high school groups as a memento for students. Here is how to get started producing a homeschool high school yearbook.
How to Rent a Tux for the Spring FormalLooking your best at the spring formal will make you feel good and make your date proud to be with you. Rather than spending money purchasing a new suit or tuxedo, you can rent a tuxedo worthy of being worn to your spring formal.
How to Write a Graduation SpeechA graduation speech is a rare chance to share with classmates the thoughts you have on your school experience and your future. Take the opportunity to share the messages with them you would like most to impart. Determining how to write a graduation speech, though, can be tough as you try to put all of your thoughts into appropriate words. Read on to learn more.
How to Rate Private High SchoolsNo single rating system should be used to rate all private high schools, because every students needs are different. To rate private high schools before you invest the cost of a small cottage in sending your child to one, prepare and utilize your own set of ctors. Ideally, student and parents should make this process fun and work together on it--or conduct parts of it individually and compare notes.
How to Apply to a Private High SchoolPrivate schools come in many varieties. There are co-ed and single-gender schools, religious and secular schools and boarding schools and day schools. Depending on the school, a private high school can provide an excellent education and improve your chances of getting into the college of your choice. However, the private high school admissions process can be extremely competitive, and the cost of attending is usually very expensive.
How to Ask a Cheerleader to PromFads in high school come and go, but the one constant is the prom. Kids get to dress as adults and have their own very special night on the town. The problem of getting a date can be a serious task to the shy boy who finds himself thrust into the social milieu of the high school dating scene.
How to Make Your Graduation MemorableGraduation is a special time for many individuals as it marks completion of one chapter in life as well as the start of another. Its also a time to receive recognition for success and achievements in school. Make graduation a memorable experience you will cherish for many years.
How to Calculate the Perimeter of a PolygonCalculating the perimeter of a polygon (a closed plane figure bound by straight lines) is very easy. If you can calculate the distance between 2 points, you can find the perimeter of a polygon--or any two-dimensional shape. Just follow these steps.
How to Solve Math Word ProblemsMath word problems can contain a great deal of information in a short paragraph, so finding the right information and the correct computations takes some skill. Breaking down the process of solving math word problems will help you get through the paragraph and arrive at the correct answer.
How to Memorize CountriesKnowing the world map like the back of your hand is a skill few people can brag about. Africa has over 50 countries, Europe and Asia are always changes, and every once in a while, a new island comes along. Its certainly no small task to keep track of nearly 200 names, but with time and a little patience, anyone can memorize countries.
How to Calculate the Suce Area of a ConeCalculate cone suce area in two steps. Find its bases area, which is the same as a circles area, then find the cones slanted area. Use this trick to build the right sized dunce hat or figure out a street cones suce area. Use this concept, and clever subtraction, to figure out a volcanos suce area.
How to Catch a Child Skipping SchoolSkipping school can cause irreparable damage to your childs education portfolio, not to mention the other types of problems your child might get into when unsupervised. However, once you suspect a child of skipping, ascertaining your suspicions is relatively easy, and then you can progress to correcting the situation.
How to Prepare for the Spring FormalA spring formal is always a fun event, whether you go by yourself, with a date or with friends. Taking enough time to prepare yourself before the dance will ensure youre ready for the big night without a lot of stress.
How to Get Airbrushed Makeup for the PromProm time has arrived and you want this special night to be perfect in every way. Once the domain of movie stars and Broadway actors, airbrushed makeup is now available to the public in day spas and beauty salons. Considered a flawless look, airbrushing results in total coverage of pimples, birthmarks and even tattoos.
How to Attend a Performing Arts High SchoolMagnet schools and programs were first created to promote public school integration during the 1960s. Many of these schools/programs, such as Performing Arts High Schools, have flourished and provide special curriculum and opportunities for todays gifted and talented students. Some private or preparatory schools also provide similar programs but for a cost, whereas public school magnet programs are usually free or low-cost. Discover how to attend Performing Arts High School.
How to Control a High School ClassroomFor many, the most intimidating part of teaching is controlling the classroom. High school students can offer a greater challenge than younger students. Often teachers enter high school classrooms fearful about the reception their students might give them. Controlling a high school classroom takes a dedicated and determined teacher.
How to Plan a High School Youth Group RetreatMixing church with fun is no easy task. By the time kids are in their teens, theyre often fighting with their parents to quit any kind of church school program. But Christian education is important, and there are more ways than one to provide a youth group with a memorable experience. It takes some effort, so follow these tips to plan a successful high school youth group retreat.
How to Debate Against Animal DissectionAnimal dissection is a topic of debate in high schools and institutions of higher learning. Many people feel that animal dissection is cruel to animals and promotes animals as being expendable. Learn how to debate against animal dissection using a number of viable points.
How to Take Senior Class PhotosA students senior year in high school is a memorable event marked by traditional activities. Along with prom, class rings and career days, your child will want her photograph taken by a professional to commemorate this year. Unfortunately, hiring a photographer can cost hundreds of dollars. With a little camera know-how, however, you can take your own shots to submit to the yearbook and share with friends.
How to Study American LiteratureThe study of American Literature is important for many reasons. Not only is it a great modeling tool for upcoming creative writers, its also an interesting and informative way to look at American history. Using American literature both as a literary study and a historical study allows the student to understand not only writing style, but the perspective of the author.
How to Write an OutlineDuring some point in your academic career, you will likely need to write a report, thesis or article that may require an outline. A well-constructed outline can serve as a roadmap to help you navigate your subject and its related subtopics to make your meaning clear and your message effective. So, whether you need to prepare a book report or write the next Great American Novel, learn how to write an outline to help make the writing process smooth.
How to Dance at a Spring FormalFor some people, the most daunting part of a spring formal is the actual dancing. Even though no one there is likely to be a professional dancer, its easy to feel intimidated. Learning a few dance moves will go a long way in helping you enjoy your night at the spring formal.
How to Enroll Troubled Teens in Private SchoolsThere are a large number of quality private schools that can handle a variety of common adolescent issues. In order to get the best help possible for your teen, know what the problem is and find a school that deals specifically with that issue.
How to Celebrate Cultural Diversity in High SchoolWe live in an increasingly culturally diverse society. Its important to learn about and celebrate our differences. High school classrooms provide a perfect setting for youth to investigate their cultural history and learn about others. Encourage tolerance and understanding by celebrating cultural diversity with high school students.
How to Become Prom QueenProm queen--one of the most coveted titles in the high school social hierarchy--is the person every girl wishes she could be. Stop wishing and follow these steps to start prom history.
How to Make an Essay FlowWhile rivers flow on their own, writers have to work to make their writing smooth and coherent. An essay that flows is well-organized, well-written, concise and logical. Choppy sentences, poor word choice, nonexistent transitions and illogical structure can make an essay unclear and difficult to understand. Imagine yourself as the reader and improve parts of the essay that might give someone pause. Showcase your research by concentrating on the quality of the writing you use to communicate your findings.
How to Prepare a Child for High SchoolTransitioning from middle school to high school is difficult for parents and their teenagers. As a parent, your job is to support and guide your child through this emotional time. Heres how to help you child prepare for high school.
How to Hide Chewing Gum in ClassAlthough some people think that gum helps them to concentrate or helps keep them alert and awake during lectures, the majority of schools have a no-gum policy because it can be distracting to other students and messy. If you love chewing gum and do not wish to comply with this rule, you will need to hide your gum in class or ce the consequences.
How to Dissect a StarfishDissection, although a controversial practice, teaches students about anatomy using a hands-on approach. In order to properly dissect a starfish, the student needs to become miliar with the tools of dissection and must know how to properly identify and label the starfish anatomy.
How to Study PhysicsKnowing the best way to attack a problem will bring you the best result. Taking that approach to studying physics is no exception. Utilizing a study plan and it your own will enable you not only to get the most from your physics class, it will also help you pass the final exam. Here is how to study physics and make the grade.